You’re going to want to save this perfect wallpaper and paint match formula for your next home interiors project!

Here’s the lowdown on getting the perfect paint to match your wallpaper. The secret is pulling a color tone from the wallpaper. Yes, it’s that simple. Pick a neutral color from your wallpaper, take it to your local paint shop, and have them mix it up for you. The paint color will then effortlessly complement your bold wallpaper print, whether it be on wainscoting, a full wall, or just the trim.
Here is an example of the perfect paint match for one of our best-selling wallpaper designs, Madelyn.

Madelyn has the perfect amount of bright, cheerful colors that give a joyful feeling when walking into a room. Alongside these colorful hues, there are a number of muted colors that complement those cheerful tones, providing the most beautiful, boho aesthetic. That’s why Madelyn Wallpaper is so popular. It’s a wallpaper design that makes it easy to create that charming, classic whimsy vibe but adds a touch of modern texture to a space.
When choosing paint, the possibilities really are endless. We wanted to create a feeling of warmth with the paint colors we chose. Here are our top two paint choices to complement Madelyn Wallpaper.

The first paint color is Sundew by Sherwin Williams, selected for its warm undertones and neutral look. It’s the perfect color if you’re leaning towards a neutral paint but still rich enough to add dimension to the walls.

The second paint swatch is Jersey Cream, also by Sherwin Williams. You’ll fall in love with the perfect pastel, creamy yellow color it provides. Reminiscent of a spring day, with fresh butter slathered on a homemade bun. While still technically a neutral, Jersey Cream adds a different type of flair to your walls. Yellow has been making a comeback, so it is becoming a more popular color to decorate with.
Whatever color you choose to pair with Madelyn, we hope you’re able to use the following formula going forward in any room or space.
Perfect Wallpaper + Paint Match = Pull a neutral tone from the wallpaper and have your paint shop mix it up for you!