PHOTO CREDIT: @rockymountaindecals | PEEL AND STICK WALLPAPER DESIGN: Thornhill
Home decor trends are ever changing, and we love that self-adhesive, removable wallpaper can change with it, easily, and without damaging your walls. As long as proper installation steps are taken, peel and stick wallpaper will not damage your walls. Here are our top 3 tips to avoid wallpaper damage.

1. Choose High Quality Wallpaper: Rocky Mountain Decals supplies only high quality peel and stick wallpaper made of premium wall fabric that you can trust through the whole process.
2. Let Paint Cure: Applying wallpaper on freshly painted walls might seem tempting, but it can lead to issues. Wait at least 4 weeks after painting to allow the paint to cure. This prevents the paint from adhering to the wallpaper, ensuring easy removal when the time comes.

PHOTO CREDIT: @rockymountaindecals | PEEL AND STICK WALLPAPER DESIGN: Butterfly Song
3. Improperly prepared walls: Walls must be smooth, and have been adequately primed and painted. If your wall has only drywall and one layer of paint, it is possible that the paint will become damaged during wallpaper removal. Check out our blog post on wallpaper removal here.